Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 70 – What Happens When Phone Agents Act Like Your Website?

In this episode of the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast, the Fueligans take a tongue in cheek look at what life would be like if we treated our phone reservations like we treat our website visitors.


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Let’s face it, a hotel’s website is one of the most important investments a property can make. It influences almost every booking in some form or fashion. And yet, we still live in a world where folks take a set-it-and-forget-it approach to their website. Despite more than 50% of direct bookings coming in online, and the fact that the phone reservations probably originated from the website in the first place, people still spend more time focused on improving their agents performance and neglecting their top sales agent… THE WEBSITE.

Here are the scenarios we cover in this episode:

Make The Client Do All The Work.

Example: they ask for rates and they have to give the date in a specific format. Then there are no results and the reservationist doesn’t offer alternatives.

Force The Guest To Use a Different Device

Tell the guest that they need to hang up and call back using an antiquated rotary phone to make a booking because the call center isn’t compatible with mobile phones.

The photos are sub-par and dated

The reservationist describes a grainy photo of the pool, where the chairs are set up cattywampus and the man in the photo has speedos and a 70s moustache.

Site to Booking Engine Experience Is Not Consistent

Different agent starts talking in bad British accent, doesn’t know anything about the customer on the phone. Won’t let the guest go back to the first agent.

Irrelevant Distractions

Someone jumps in and starts talking about the great wedding/group facilities, golf, car rental partnership, etc..

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