Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 51 – How Story Telling Can Get You More Bookings

Storytelling is all the rage right now, but it’s not a fad. In fact, storytelling has been used as a method of communication for thousands of years. It’s also a great way for your hotel to create an emotional connection with your guests, increase bookings and increase positive word of mouth exposure.

In this episode, we chat with Richard Dunbar from Flip.to about the art and science of storytelling and give practical advice about how hotels can insert compelling stories within their marketing messaging.


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Show Notes:

Discussion points (in no particular order, yet)

Brief intro to storytelling and the science / research behind its effectiveness

Storytelling during inspiration

Storytelling during planning moments

  • Guest may have narrowed down the list of options, and now it’s time to make a decision

Storytelling during booking moments

  • It’s still possible to lose the guest here
  • Continue the narrative and offer content relative to the reason the guest is booking, or even link the content to the accommodation type the guest has shown interest in

Storytelling to rekindle

  • Reminds guests of their favorite moments
  • Positions the hotel as a key facilitator of the experience – meaning the brand doesn’t need to insert itself obtrusively into the guest’s story



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