Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 48 – Stop Blaming Millennials For Increasing Guest Expectations

Let’s be honest, Millennials get the blame for so many things. The truth is that those of us who were born before 1980 are simply jealous that the younger generation has it way easier than we do. One of the common criticisms of Millennials is that they are spoiled and they have a send of entitlement.  While this may be true, we at the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast don’t believe that they are to blame for the increasing demands of today’s traveler. We believe that technology is the primary driver and that it’s created a society where instant gratification is the norm.


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Show Notes:

This is the timeline that we discuss. It illustrates all many technologies that have contributed to a fundamental shift in our society. Today, people are more discerning, they know what they want, and they are not prepared to wait for it. Looking at the timeline below, it’s no surprise that we all appear to be spoiled…we are.Instant Gratification Timeline

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Don’t forget, that episode 50 of the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast will be broadcast live on Facebook and Youtube. Tune in at 2pm EST on April 7th for the special ‘Ask Me Anything’ episode. You can also submit your questions on Twitter to @_travelboom with the hashtag #fuelAMA.


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