Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 42 – How to Overcome Writer’s Block and Create Great Content (guest starring Cassidy Moore)

Content has long been the key to website success. We’re even being told now to create 10X content, but what do you do when you’re struggling to even write your first sentence?

In this episode of the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast, we solicit the help from one of the industry’s best content creators, Cassidy Moore. Cassidy heads up the content team from the best resource on the web for information on Myrtle Beach hotels, MyrtleBeach.com.



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Show Notes:

Do your research


  • Make notes, even just in bullet point form, to get you started
  • Have all your research done before you start writing
  • “Borrow” the good bits from other articles and make them better and make them your own.
  • Get inspiration from non-related content. Think about the stuff you enjoy reading and why you enjoy it.


Create a writing environment that works for you

  • Michael Lewis author of Money Ball and The Blind Side likes Meghan Trainor
  • Learn whether you like silence or chaos and write where you’re most comfortable
  • Schedule the time to write, don’t just think “I’ll get to it later”


Think It Through

  • Before you start writing, try your topic out on someone else
  • Talking through the topic can help organize it in your head
  • When you’re writing, read your stuff out loud — this is the best way to find clunky or confusing sentences. (If you’re too lazy to ready it out loud, let your computer read it for you)
  • Try to determine the big takeaway before you start
  • Think about the story you want to tell. It should have a beginning, middle and end.
  • Don’t make assumptions that the audience has the same knowledge you do


Just start writing

  • The first few lines of any content are the hardest to write.
  • If you can’t think of where your piece should start, then write the ending or the middle first. You can piece it together or rearrange later
  • Don’t edit as you go. Write it out in it’s entirety, then revise it.
  • Know that the first draft may be terrible. That’s ok. It’s a starting point from which to build.


Find an editor

  • Everyone needs an editor. Seriously, everyone.
  • Solicit feedback – that’s how you’ll improve.


You aren’t alone

  • EVERYBODY has an inner critic
  • EVERYBODY gets writers block sometimes
  • EVERYBODY over thinks it
  • EVERYBODY sucks to start with (Like any skill, you need to practice)
  • NOTHING is ever perfect or complete (but it’s the Internet. You can change it later)



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