Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 32 – What We Learned at Internet Summit and HX 2016

Your Fueligan friends recently attended the Internet Summit and the HX 2016 shows. In this episode, we discuss our takeaways from each and also announce a special guest for next week’s episode.


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Show Notes:

HX Recap

HX: The Hotel Experience takes the best of 100 years from The International Hotel, Motel + Restaurant Show® (IHMRS) and looks forward to the next hundred years. HX is North America’s largest hospitality trade show for hotel and restaurant owners, executives, directors, chefs, and GMs from across the hospitality spectrum, and manufacturers and marketers of all things hospitality. It is held annually in November in New York City.

Duetto – delivers higher RevPAR through Price Optimization and Revenue Intelligence.

Bizly – meetings on demand. This is essentially Uber for meeting space.

Open Key – universal mobile key solution

    • Just raised $8 million in capital. $1 million set aside to subsidize lock upgrades.
    • Offer an SDK for other mobile apps to integrate, including Guest Express
    • http://www.openkey.co/

Crave – in room mobile app for hotels

Internet Summit

Briefly chat about Marriott hotel experience:

  • Exceptional customer service
  • In-room experience → TV with Netflix, other streaming apps included
  • Skip housekeeping  & get rewards points
  • Great social areas

Key Takeaways

  • Marketing Automation is all the rage
    • Shout out to Act On for sponsoring the opening reception @ The Raleigh Times (Brandon Cahlan – regional sales manager NC & SC)
  • Technical SEO → Lots or rabbit holes, here’s the TL;DR, see my blog for details (presentation from Mike King – @ipullrank)
    • Code is more important than ever
    • Site speed is more important than ever
    • AMP pages, rich snippets, rich cards
  • Buyer Personas & Buyer’s Journey
    • Marketing & Psychology had a love child
    • Super buzzy at the moment → I can get behind this movement

Special Guest Next Week – Expedia will be discussing Rev+

Fuel will be Speaking at the December HSMAI lunch → Digital Trends for 2017

  • Wednesday, December 14th
  • Ocean Creek Resort in Myrtle Beach

Check out Melissa’s blog on creating personas.


In the News

None this week.


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