Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 28 – Is Your Hotel Taking Advantage of Cyber Monday?

For some hotels, Cyber Monday may be the single largest volume booking day of the entire year. Is your property taking part in this phenomenal opportunity? In this episode of the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast, we discuss the ways that your hotel can maximize the impact of this crazy shopping fever by preparing properly and making sure you have the right messaging and the right timing on the right platforms.


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Show Notes:

Why is It such a big opportunity?

  • People are conditioned to actively look for deals
  • 40% of shoppers are looking for travel deals (according to Google)
  • Purse Strings are loosest and people are wanting to spend their money
  • It’s becoming a habit for many people and a bragging opportunity to tell people how much you saved.
  • From the hotel’s perspective, it gets reservations on the books and allows you to yield rates more aggressively and drive a higher ADR.

Pre-Game Prep

  • Collect Emails
  • Tell people that it’s coming (prime the pump)
  • Develop retargeting lists through adWords and Facebook
  • Get all of your creative work done well ahead of time so that you can be nimble during the actual sale
  • Staff your phones appropriately


  • Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday or perhaps even earlier
  • Duration: 1 day, multiple days? Should you extend it will a slightly reduced deal?
  • Sneak peeks on certain platforms or for certain people?
  • Monitor the local competition and try to get out ahead of them or provide more value.


  • Make sure it’s a good offer (at least 30%)
  • Or create great value by adding freebies
  • Don’t just jack the rates to show a bigger discount
  • Make it exclusive (Lowest offer of the year) and stick to it!
  • Make them feel exclusive and special
  • Personalize
  • Consider limiting inventory to add urgency
  • Use a countdown clock


  • Social Media
  • Email
  • Website
  • Paid Advertising/Retargeting lists

Final thoughts:

  • Think long-term. Offer great value. Be consistent. Stick to your word.
  • Also, consider smaller flash sales throughout the year.
  • Trends – have we reached saturation and a point of diminishing returns?
  • Mobile

Question of the week:

Amit asks, “can E-commerce principles be applied to hospitality with 1click up-sell at room booking confirmation page?”


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