Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 17 – How to Turn Loyal Guests into Brand Advocates

How can you turn your guests into promoters of your property? Loyal guests can be your best marketers. Don’t overlook their potential. In this episode of the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast, we break down some top tips to get your guests engaged and promoting your brand.


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Show Notes:

In this week’s episode we analyze and discuss an article from Hospitalitynet.org by Sarah Came – a copywriter with GuestRevu. The article discusses ways that you can turn your guests into promoters of your property. Find the full article at http://www.hospitalitynet.org/news/4077315.html

  1. User generated content (Check out flip.to for a great UGC tool)
  2. Go after repeat guests
  3. Don’t sell, inspire
  4. Engage with your guests (past, present and prospective)
  5. Ask for reviews
  6. Don’t settle for satisfaction, aim for delight


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