Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 123 – Hotel Marketing 101: The Top 3 Things You Should Be Doing On Social Media

In this episode, we get back to basics with the latest in our hotel marketing 101 series. This time, we discuss social media and identify the platforms and the strategies that make the most sense for your property.

DOWNLOAD THE  2019 LEISURE TRAVEL STUDY: www.fueltravel.com/2019-leisure-tr…l-trends-study/


This episode is based on blog post: Why Social Media is Important to Your Hotel Marketing

Social Media Platforms You MUST Have a Presence On

  • Almost half of the world’s population is using social media (almost 4 billion people). ⅔ are using Facebook.
  • Fuel’s 2019 Leisure Travel Study reports 40% of hotel guests look at the hotel’s Facebook page prior to booking.
    • 52% of Millenials look at Facebook before booking.
  • Where you should have a presence
    • Facebook
      • It’s the most widely used
    • Instagram
      • It’s visual and allows you to showcase your property
      • It’s trendy
      • Great place to connect with influencers (episode 96) and micro/macro influencers (episode 110)
    • YouTube
      • People love video
      • Showcases your property in a creative way
      • Creates a sense of an experience
      • Can also be used with PPC


Your Hotel’s Social Media Content

  • Three rules of thumb when it comes to creating content
    • Be authentic
    • Be on-brand
    • Be consistent
  • Content should focus on
    • Informing your guests
    • Creating a sense of experience
    • What makes your hotel great
    • Why guests love staying there
  • Content ideas:
    • Post or Facebook Live events at your hotel while they’re happening
    • Showcase amenities and new property features
    • Showcase different rooms
    • Suggest nearby attractions or restaurants
      • Great partnering opportunity (also discussed on a previous blog)
    • Upcoming events in your area
      • Promote event itself as well as any specials you may be offering for attendees
      • May open a door to partner with events as their preferred hotel
    • Engagement oriented
      • Ask questions
      • Travel tips
      • Property scavenger hunt
    • User-generated content
      • Share guest reviews, pictures, and stories
    • Website content
      • Blogs
      • Newsletters
      • Loyalty program info
    • Contests & Giveaways (great if also combined with PPC for lead generation)
    • More on our 75 Social Media Post Ideas For Hotels



Hotel Social Media Key Factor: Engagement

  • None of this means anything if you’re not engaging with your audience! (Say it louder for the people in the back!)
  • It’s an opportunity for you to
    • Answer questions
    • Get feedback
    • Respond to reviews
      • Thank them for the positive feedback
      • “Fix it” if they have a negative experience
  • It’s a forum for your fans
    • Allows them to
      • Interact with other guests
      • Share their positive experiences
      • Leave reviews and comments



Bonus! #ProTip

  • For consistent-social-media-posting success create a calendar via Google spreadsheet.
    • Set up columns for the following
      • Date
      • Posted Checkbox
      • Content
      • Links
      • Images
      • Notes
    • Fill out all the info a month ahead of time, leaving notes when you want to Facebook or Instagram Live
    • Schedule as many posts as you can for the month before the month begins
      • Don’t set it and forget it. In times of distress, like a natural disaster, be sure to revisit scheduled posts and change as necessary


Stuart recently appeared on the Slick Talk Podcast. Check out the interview with Wil Slickers:



Direct Booking Summit – Miami
22nd – 23rd October, 2019
Discount for the TripTease Direct Booking Summit:


In The Newsaroos:     


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