Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 101 – Top 10 Hotel Website Entry Points Based on Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is yet another metric that is most useful to look at in the context of other dimensions. Today we are specifically talking about it in terms of landing pages. Since conversion rate is relative to your market, instead of giving specific ranges for each entry point, we’ll rank these pages in terms of likeliness to convert vs. not, based on the likely source of traffic.


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According to an email from Visual Website Optimizer, 100,000+ tests were launched in 2018. There were 13,400+ winning tests.

This episode came as a recommendation from Grayson McNeill via our website.

      1. Booking Engine

        • More than likely through email or PPC
        • Could be SEO if your engine is on the same domain
        • Consumer is already familiar with your brand
      1. Specials page

        • Through email, PPC or organic search
        • Consumer most likely familiar with your brand
      1. Rooms (overview and specific)

        • Through generic or brand organic search, email, PPC
        • Consumer may or may not be familiar with your brand
      1. Home page

        • Either through brand organic search, email, PPC, TripAdvisor business listing, social, or any other paid channel
        • Consumer is already familiar with your brand
      1. Amenities (overview and specific)

        • Through generic or brand organic search, email, PPC
        • Consumer may or may not be familiar with your brand
      1. Blog Post

        • From social, email or natural search
        • If from natural search, likely a very specific long-tail keyword
        • Depending on the topic, more than likely not familiar with the brand and looking for specific information on that topic
      1. Area Info

        • Natural search – very generic
        • Likely not familiar with brand
      1. Webcam

        • From natural search, webcam feeder site or social
        • Unless from social, likely not familiar with brand and extremely unlikely to convert
      1. Groups (general page, not a specific special for a group)

        • From natural search, PPC, social, email
        • Consumer may or may not be familiar with your brand depending on the source
        • KPI on this is more likely a form submission for a quote for weddings, meetings, etc.
    1. Calendar of Events/Specific Events Pages

      • From natural search, social or PPC for high-profile specific event
      • Consumer not likely to be familiar with brand

Great! What Now?

First – think of every page of your website as a landing page. Just because a page doesn’t get a lot of traffic, doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Every page should be thought about in terms of who might be visiting and the best next action that is desired. Is that really a booking? Could it be an email signup or a form submission?

Next – take the time to segment your pages by source. As we’ve discussed, some traffic is within your control, like PPC or social, but other sources like natural search, are not. You should not expect a defined PPC campaign to a specific room page to convert the same way a boosted Facebook post or natural search query does.

Lastly – ABT!!


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