Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 10 – Should My Hotel Have a Blog?

In this episode of the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast, we discuss whether or not a hotel needs a blog. You’re already super-busy, should you spend some of your precious time creating and maintaining a blog? Should the blog be a part of your site or separate? What topics should you write about? Come find out with your Fueligan friends.

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In The News:

  1. Ad Blocking Stats –  http://digiday.com/publishers/global-state-of-ad-blocking/
  2. 8 BILLION video views per day on Facebook. BUT 85% are watched without sound. – everywhere reported on this.
  3. Majority of Travelers Prefer to Book on a Mobile Device according to operamediaworks.com.  Cool infographic included – https://www.tnooz.com/article/majority-of-travellers-claim-they-prefer-booking-on-a-mobile-device/

Describe types of content: channels, pages, news, events, blog

Benefits of blogging:

  • Gets more search engine traffic
  • Helps customers make a decision
  • Provides useful information
  • Positions your hotel as an expert
  • Affiliates you with events, attractions, restaurants, shops etc
  • Showcases the brand
  • Supports your social media
  • Helps generate inbound links

Content Ideas

  • Answer common questions – be helpful
  • Showcase the product: amenities, cleanliness, eco-friendly, location, brand promise etc
  • Talk to the staff – humanize the brand and make people comfortable
  • Sell your strengths such as nearby events/attractions
  • Sell the experience
  • Re-purposing Content in different channels
  • Not just written – videos, interactive, countdown, vacation response generator

Top blogging tips

  • Do your research – keyword research (Google Suggest, Search Console), idea generation
  • Include the team and the audience
  • Distribute the content
  • Be consistent with tone and frequency
  • Spend time on your subject line
  • Include a call to action (email signup, availability search etc)
  • Make Your content easy to share
  • DON’t copy/paste content
  • Do it better than the competition (10x)

Check out this awesome Headline Analyzer – http://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer#

Question of the week:

Should my blog be integrated with my website or separate domain/subdomain? Chris C

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Submit your questions and topic ideas on Twitter to @_travelboom. Download our leisure travel study at www.fueltravel.com/study/.

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