Hotel Marketing Podcast Episode 220 – TravelBoom Book Club – Building A StoryBrand

Welcome to episode #220 of the Hotel Marketing Podcast. I’m your host Pete DiMaio and this will not be a boring book club, this is going to be a soaring book club!  Not just because of the book we’ll be covering, but because of our all-star guest lineup!

First of all, we have one of the real women of vacation rentals… Co-host of the Alex and Annie Podcast and Chief Marketing Officer at Condo-World, welcome back to Alex Husner!

We also have the return of the best host the show has ever had, as well as the Chief Marketing Officer at the Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce – it’s Stuart Butler!

So this is going to be a unique episode of the podcast where we’ll be bringing together industry experts to talk about a piece of literature that’s changing marketing and could impact your property.  Each quarter we’ll cover one book and tie the message back to the hospitality industry.  Today, we’ll be covering Donald Miller’s #1 best seller, Building A Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

Book Summary:

Donald Miller makes the case in his 2017 book that marketers make it way too hard for customers to understand what they offer and incredibly too difficult to conduct business.  He does this by pointing out that marketing is nothing more than telling a great story.  Like the great movies we all love, we too can create a story for our customers that engages and connects.  

Throughout the book, Miller shows us that marketing, like movies and storytelling, is very formulaic.  

A CHARACTER who wants something encounters a PROBLEM before they can get it. At the peak of their despair, a GUIDE steps into their lives, gives them a PLAN, and CALLS THEM TO ACTION. That action helps them avoid FAILURE and ends in a SUCCESS.


  • Who is the hero, and who is the guide?
  • Is a vacation life or death?  
  • Don’t make your hotel’s story too complex.
  • Customers don’t want to be convinced, they want help solving a problem.

Alex’s Review:

3.5 out of 5 Condos

Stuart’s Review:

3 out of 5 Condos

Pete’s Review

4 out of 5 Condos

Upcoming Book:

Join TravelBoom and the cast for the next book, YouTility by Jay Baer.



For the Week Ending June 18th, U.S. Hotel Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) Reached an All-time Weekly High


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