Hotel Marketing Podcast Episode 212 – The Year 2002 Called And Wants It’s Photos Back: How To Fix Your Hotel Photography

Photography is one of the very most important elements of a hotel site to help drive conversion, other than the obvious booking engine, clear calls to action, and a great rate strategy.  Photography is also just like any other physical asset your property manages.  From the alarm clocks in the room to the chairs in the conference center.  From the staff uniforms to the linens. It all has a shelf-life and, just like your physical assets, you should be planning for when you need to update your photography.

In today’s episode we’re looking at one of our most recent articles, Hotel Photography: The Asset You Are Not Assessing (

We’re going to be covering the five things you need to do to keep your property shots fresh.  

#1: Get the Right Photographer For The Job

Yes, my phone can take great pictures too. And I even know someone who has a really nice camera. However, just like having a kitchen doesn’t make you a chef, owning a camera doesn’t make you a photographer. We suggest you talk to your industry partners, find hotel shots you like, and track down a photographer that specializes in what you need. This means the photographer who is right for your room shots may not be the one for your lifestyle and amenities.

#2: Your Room Shots Will Make or Break You

Your room photography is nearly the only way to showcase what you have to offer a guest, other than video, which you should also employ.  However if your shots aren’t up to par, you’re asking to lose your bookings to the OTAs at best… your competitors at worst.

#3: Amenities Set The Stage For A Great Stay

Your next shoot after your rooms should be your amenities. These are the things that make your hotel unique and keep people coming back for more. Plus, it’s where many hotels miss the mark.  

#4: Your Lobby Can Make An Impact

When planning your photoshoot list, you should also focus on areas of the resort that are not typically considered an amenity such as your lobby, covered parking, valet service, and so on. This is where you can set the stage for your guest experience and show off what makes your property unique.

#5: Put Your Photos To Work

Now that you have a bank of great hotel photography it’s time to put it to work driving new guests.  This means updating all your social profiles, search listings, OTAs such as Expedia, Trip Advisor, and your own hotel website, of course.

BONUS: Start Planning Your Next Shoot

Good news, you just wrapped up a great photo shoot and have some amazing new assets to help sell your property.  Bad news, your new photography is already aging.  Start planning your next shoot now!



Guests Do Not Require Human-Provided Services In Hospitality.


60 Seconds To Success:

Take advantage of your industry associations and expand your horizons.  Organizations such as your local chambers of commerce and state/local hospitality and marketing associations can deliver a ton of value and put you in contact with industry experts that can help you grow your property. One that comes to mind for me is HSMAI (Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International), they offer a ton of value at the national level, but deliver great value at the state level as well with free education sessions, training tools, networking and more.  

Take some time to look at the organizations you’re already associated with and make sure you’re getting the most value possible.


Stat of the Week:

Stat of the Week:

Check back for new and exciting stats that will shock the hotel world!


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