Top Hotel Marketing Podcast Episodes of 2017

by Meisha Bochicchio

2017 was a big year for the TravelBoom Hotel Marketing Podcast! We hosted our first ever Live AMA episode to celebrate our 50th episode, hosted several exciting special guests, and worked to become one of the top hospitality podcasts on record.
Our listenership is now in the thousands – and we have you to thank!
We’ve compiled a list of our top 10 podcast episodes for 2017. As always, we are open to episode suggestions and questions. Feel free to drop us a line ( if you’d like to chat or partner with us for a future episode.

10. Episode 59 – Smarter Hotel Email Automation & Personalization

Our #10 podcast of the year dives into how hoteliers can use email automation to improve operations, drive sales, and increase loyalty. Our team of marketing experts discusses the specifics of how to successfully implement an email marketing campaign and enumerates the types of emails every hotel should be sending. Listen to the full episode here.

9. Episode 52 – The 17 Biggest Booking Engine Mistakes That You Should Avoid

How good is your booking engine solution – really? A bad booking engine experience can make or break your entire online strategy. Marketing is useless if the tool you are driving your customers to is broken. Stop what you’re doing and listen to our #9 episode for 17 specific features your booking engine solution should accommodate. Listen to the full episode here.

8. Episode 51 – How Storytelling Can Get Your More Bookings

We hosted Richard Dunbar from this year, which landed a #8 spot on our list. As the industry’s leading guest advocacy platform, helps hotels share unique stories and inspire travel. In this entertaining episode, we discuss the art and science of storytelling and give practical advice about how hotels can insert compelling stories within their marketing messaging. Listen to the full episode here.

7. Episode 46 – What You Need To Know About The 2017 Website Behavior Study

Did you miss our 2017 Website Study? If so – fret not; we recap our key findings in our #7 episode of the year. Our marketing team discusses key points like which research sources are most influential during the booking process, how many websites do travel shoppers check during the research process, and what elements of a hotel website are most important. Listen to the full episode here.

6. Episode 53 – Everything You Hotel Needs To Know About Attribution Modeling

First click, last click…. This click, that click. All the same, right? WRONG. In our #6 podcast episode of the year, our analytics director leads the discussion on defining and explaining different use cases for several different attribution models. New to attribution modeling? No worries – we start with the basics and cover all the bases. Listen to the full episode here.

5. Episode 58 – How To Market Your Hotel On A Shoestring Budget

No budget? No problem. In our #5 episode of the year, our team of marketing experts shares simple and effective tactics to help market hotels on a shoestring budget. Get ready to roll your sleeves up and get scrappy, this episode is like drinking from a firehose. Listen to the full episode here.

4. Episode 62 – 5 Unbelievable Hotel Marketing Facts You Need To Know

Did you know…. Just kidding. We can’t reveal our fun facts just yet – you’ll need to listen to our #4 podcast episode of the year to hear the news. 5 stunning news articles, 5 stunning facts, 5 stunning ways in which the hotel industry is changing. Listen to the full episode here.

3. Episode 44 – What OTAs Are Doing Right And Your Hotel Is Doing Wrong

What exactly are the online travel agents doing right? HINT: It’s the same thing that your hotel website is {probably} doing wrong. There’s a reason – several, actually – that the OTAs are dominating the travel industry. In our #3 podcast of the year, we dive into the specific elements that are helping the OTAs kick ass and take names – and how your hotel can do the exact same thing. Listen to the full episode here.

2. Episode 68 – Top 8 Travel Trend Predictions For 2018

What new and exciting travel trends are on the horizon for 2018? had several bold predictions, which our team discusses in depth in our #2 podcast episode. Curious about what’s on the horizon? Find out for yourself and let us know your thoughts! Listen to the full episode here.

1. Episode 69 – 5 Simple Marketing Psychology Hacks To Increase Direct Bookings

Do you want to learn 5 simple ways to make your booking process more effective? Reducing friction during the booking process can happen two ways – by removing roadblocks and by applying forward pressure. Learn several easy ways to achieve both of these objectives in our #1 hotel marketing podcast episode of the year. Listen to the full episode here.

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