It’s Not Just Coronavirus, It’s Change

by Pete DiMaio

How Hoteliers Handle That Change Will Dictate The Future

Yes, we could tell you about our COVID-19 response here at TravelBoom.  We are washing our hands, we’re working from home, and we’re practicing social distancing.  We’re building our impressive toilet paper forts and shaking hands with our elbows. However, our hygiene changes should be of little concern to you and your business at the moment.
Scary times are afoot within our beloved hospitality community, with our suppliers, with our guests, and with our staff.  The next few months are going to be a royal pain in the … well, it’s going to be a very tough time for us all. However, this is a storm we can weather.  This is a mountain we can climb. This is a battle that we can absolutely win if we come together and help each other.
Now is not the time to roll into a ball; now is the time to roll up your sleeves and do your part.  We’re not about giving up, and we’re here to make sure you don’t give up either. We have been talking with our industry partners, running planning meetings, developing new strategies and most importantly … adapting to the new normal.
So, we’ve put together some resources that we hope provide some guidance and a roadmap forward for each of you.

  • We have aggregated a comprehensive list of crisis management resources with dozens of articles, downloads, data, and podcasts. We’re updating it daily as new content is published. Available for you here.
  • We co-authored a study with The Guest Book to help you Navigate Troubling Times
  • We are increasing the frequency of episodes of the TravelBoom Hotel Marketing Podcast to walk you through the changes ahead with practical and timely advice from a variety of experts across the industry. Be sure to subscribe to get the latest updates.

In addition, we are putting out a rallying cry to everyone in our industry. If you have a success story, a unique strategy, or helpful advice that you want to share with the world, we offer you an open invitation to publish your wisdom through our platforms and to our podcast audience.
You are not alone. Together we will get through this, together we will be stronger than before. If there’s absolutely anything we can do to help you, please, please reach out to us.

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