Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast: Episode 73 – The Hotel Industry’s New Year Wish List for 2018
by Stuart Butler
Hoteliers – If you had one hotel marketing related wish, what would it be? We asked. You responded. Here are some of the best answers we received from hoteliers and industry experts. We break them down and have some fun in the festive episode of the Fuel Hotel Marketing Podcast.
If you like what you hear, please leave a comment below, share it with your friends, and also leave a review.
Jeromy Wo
I would wish for clarity. The knowledge that our pursuits are the most beneficial to our company. This keeps me up at night.
Other than that – Apple & Android pay for hotel mobile booking engine.
Conrad O’Connell
I want to see independent hotels strive to create a better guest experience. ‘Business as usual’ will have the same results.
Paul Hanak
I’d have to go with either a) the local map results making more sense, I see domains and lesser quality websites in that mix when they shouldn’t be, or the results being dominated by “big brands” or b) a better guide in the SEO community to achieving map pack placement
Local SEO via Moz: https://moz.com/blog/how-to-optimize-your-google-my-business-listing
Tim Peter
I’m going to piggyback on @conradoconnell and say that I want independents to take a larger share of the market. It’s their time to win if they do it right
Tim Peter Thinks Out Loud
Glenn Haussman
How about higher occupancy without worrying about decreasing rate to get it? 🙂
No Vacancy Podcast – http://novacancy.libsyn.com/
More Direct Bookings (@Direct_Bookings)
My Christmas wish is that the wall between revenue management and digital marketing finally comes crashing down and a new realization that it’s all about driving demand rises out of the rubble. Common you guys! Push those beds together! You know you were made for eachother!
Todd Harman
As a small, non-traditional, property, I wish to be better able to take advantage of newer Google products like GHA.
Jerold Mitchell via Email (info@travelboommarketing.com) “Hi Fuel Team,
How would hotel operators want to work with content producers?
I fancy myself as a MacGyver type. So I am applying those skills to parts of my life in the form of a niche resource site in the travel market. I am trying to figure out the best way to work with destination properties that benefits them, the consumers of my content, will cover the cost of my travel habit near term and earn a full-time living in the long run.
Any insights or direction from the team is greatly appreciated!
Scott Hildebrand via Twitter (@_travelboom) “What online courses, educational platforms, or formal education courses would you suggest for someone wanting to learn data analytics/marketing specifically for the hotel industry?”
Analytics question:
What online courses, educational platforms, or formal education courses would you suggest for someone wanting to learn data analytics/marketing specifically for the hotel industry? Thank you – Scott Hildebrand
General analytics principles apply to every industry. There are very few hotel-specific venues out there for this information that I am aware of. Two conferences you might be interested in:
- Eye For Travel: The Smart Travel Data Summit. This conference has all kinds of good stuff related to all aspects of hotel data. It’s coming up in February in Miami. http://events.eyefortravel.com/smart-travel-data-summit-north-america/conference-agenda.php
- Adobe Digital Marketing Conference: While this is put on by Adobe, and obviously features all of their analytics products, even if you are not an Adobe user, the principles will carry over into any tool that you do use. They have travel-specific breakout sessions. I’ve heard some great information from MGM in the past. This one is coming up in March in Las Vegas https://summit.adobe.com/na/
Here are a few of my go-to resources for general analytics information:
- Twitter: follow the hashtags #measure, #analytics, and #digitalanalytics. There is a great community of data nerds here.
- LinkedIn Google Analytics group: This is a very active group with great questions, answers, and resources posted. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1604367
- Occam’s Razor: One of my favorite analytics blogs. Avinash Kaushik does an amazing job of breaking things down in the most simple terms. He is a Google Analytics Evangelist, so all examples use Google Analytics, but again, the concepts apply to any tool. https://www.kaushik.net/avinash/
- LunaMetrics blog: LunaMetrics is an analytics consulting company. Their blog is awesome. They also have analytics training courses, if you wanted to go that route. https://www.lunametrics.com/blog/
- Analytics Demystified blog: This is another consulting company. One of the partners, Adam Greco, is my Adobe man crush. He writes spectacular posts that give you immediate, actionable tips. http://analyticsdemystified.com/blog/
Free Entertainment – Fuel Elf Yourself: https://www.elfyourself.com/?mId=71769480
In The Newaies
Google adding price tracking for hotels:
Fake Restaurant The Shed Climbs to #1 in London on TripAdvisor:
Urgency Messaging To Face Scrutiny
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