Device Types And How They Are Being Used

by Fuel Staff

The data in this report comes from 33 different Myrtle Beach resorts covering the past 3 years, and will show you the trends of both mobile and desktop users. In addition to long term trends behavioral profile for each using data from the current year is also included.


Mobile Phones Visitors

Mobile phones are the fastest growing device type, driving more than 30% of traffic last month and an average of 28.3% of the total for 2014. As the most promising device of the future, it is critical to understand if the consumer is using this device differently than the others and what those differences mean to the bottom line.
Some unique behaviors to the mobile phone consumer are listed below.

Mobile phones users know what they are looking for and are disappointed when they do not get to the desired page quickly. Specific and non-premeditate research is presumably the main use for this device.

Tablet Visitors

Although tablets are emerging as a favorite among consumers, tablet traffic is not growing as fast as phone traffic. With that said there are some interesting characteristics of the tablet user. This device bridges the gap between phone and desktop, sharing behavior traits from each.

Tablet users take a more relaxed approach to online research than both phone and desktop users. Presumably, tablets are a research heavy device meaning this device is more likely to be used at the beginning of the trip planning period or after the actual booking has been made.  Multiple, short periods of research are expected more with a tablet than a desktop.
Overall, tablet users like to do casual research and although tablet users don’t mind doing a reservation search or booking a room, that isn’t the main use of the device.

Desktop Visitors (Including Laptops)

Although desktops are losing market share to phones and tablets, this device is still number one when it comes to getting the job done. I’m talking about conversions. No other device rakes in visits, orders, and revenue quite like the desktop computer.

The desktop computer is the “do it all” of devices. They have no problem doing research, communicate and with the hotel and booking from their computer. Since this is the most classic device for web consumption, it is no surprise that this device still reins king of the internet.
In the above chart you can see that it shows you that as the unique visitor travels views more pages on the site, the more likely it is that, that person has signed up for a newsletter signup.

Wrap Up

Now that we have gone through each device type I have a feeling you have some question. Maybe you saying something along the lines of
….great, but some of that information was redundant across all of the device types, what do I do with that??
I got it covered. Yes, there are some things that no matter how you slice it will be redundant. Like obviously the more visitors you have to a site, the more likely you are to have a reservation search occur. For metrics like this, which almost always go hand in hand with each other it is important to look at the degree of significance that this relationship occurs. Below is a chart that shows each metric and its relationship to visits.
-The closer to 1, the more positively related the two are. 1 = 100% related. When one increases the other also increases.
-The closer to -1, the more negatively related the two are. -1 = 100% negatively related, meaning when one decreases the other decreases also.

To appreciate the above chart, look at the highlighted numbers and then look at the difference between that and the other numbers in the column. The greater the difference, the larger the behavior discrepancy between the device type.
I hope that helps show how although some things are related, some are related more drastically than other. Highlighted in green, although not all are considered “statistically significant”, the trend is interesting to see compared to how that metric is affected by an increase in visits for the other device types

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