Advertising Travel Funnel Whitepaper

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Align Your Hotel’s Advertising With The Travel Shopping Journey

Google has defined 4 stages of travel, which encompasses everything from the initial spark in which someone decided they might want to take a trip all the way through the process of a guest sharing their vacation photos and experiences online with friends and family. In this paper, we pair the traditional sales funnel with Google’s travel stages to help your hotel better define and select the appropriate advertising practices.

Improve Your Marketing

  • How do I reach leisure travelers before they choose a hotel destination?
  • How can my hotel drive direct bookings and compete with OTAs?
  • What advertising channels offer the best return on investment?
  • What digital advertising channels are best suited for hotel marketers?
  • What advertising channels are best for reaching travelers who are ready to book?
  • How can I best target the right audience on various advertising platforms?

Insights Preview

Inspiration Dreaming of A Vacation

A traveler is dreaming of a leisure vacation and is easily distracted by the new and shiny – and that’s as far as they’ve gotten. They simply have a defined travel intent but have not gotten down to the nuts and bolts of planning their vacation. This is the perfect opportunity for your hotel or resort to plant a seed in that consumer’s head about your property.

Challenge – Are you visible?

Goal – Inspire travel; generate awareness

At the inspiration stage of the funnel, your ads should focus on selling the unique experience of your hotel or your destination to spark a desire to travel.

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