Leisure Travel Trends Study

New 2023 Edition With Everything a Hotelier Needs to Attract Today’s Discerning Traveler.

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Economic Uncertainty is Leading to Massive Shifts in Traveler Behavior

Savvy hoteliers should expect some unprecedented changes in leisure traveler behavior in 2023 and beyond. Low confidence in the economy, changing decision makers, and new technologies are all pointing to a massive shift in how hoteliers court a new generation of travelers.

Download the detailed analysis of the findings, along with observations and specific opportunities that help you position your property at the top of customers’ minds.

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Changing Trends Will Change Your Hotel’s Marketing Strategies

Reviews still dominate the decision-making process with many travelers holding off on booking until they’ve read reviews.

Although the number dropped from 82% to 81% of respondents who won’t book until they’ve read reviews for the property, reviews still dominate the decision-making process.

More respondents utilize reviews during the entire process than ever before, with a 2% increase from 38.5% to 40% in just a year.

  • Loyalty programs are surging in popularity for leisure travelers, making this a must-add service for all hoteliers.
  • Leisure travelers are seeing a grim economic future and are changing their travel planning. How should hotels react?
  • Reviews can easily disqualify a property, but reviews alone can’t entice a visitor to stay.
  • In the US, Covid is all but forgotten. Canadians are back on the road, with only 18% citing Covid as a major factor in limiting travel.
  • Proof that most hoteliers’ social media strategies are failing. Here’s what needs to change to win over travelers.

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