2019 Leisure Travel Trends Study

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Get The Latest On Trends For Travel Planning In 2019

Each year, Fuel, the premier specialized software provider and digital marketing agency for the hotel industry, publishes the results of an extensive research study with the goal to better understand the behavior of leisure travelers when researching and booking a hotel. The results of the study are compared with previous years’ responses in an effort to identify shifts and trends in consumer behavior.

Breaking Tech Trends

  • When Do They Plan?
  • When Do They Book?
  • Where Do They Start Their Research?
  • Which Sites Are They Looking At?
  • How Did They Book Their Hotel?
  • What Devices Do They Use Through The Booking Journey?

Insights Preview

Where Do They Start Their Research: Where People Begin?

43.7% of people planning leisure travel trips tend to start their research with an internet search provider such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Get the full report and all our 2019 Leisure Travel Trends Study stats today!

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