Hotel Technology Update

Are Hoteliers & Vendors On The Same Page?

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2018 Hotel Tech Study

As technology leaders in the hospitality industry, your friends at Fuel Travel, and StayNTouch joined forces to conduct an extensive study of hundreds of hoteliers and suppliers with a goal to learn where the industry can improve from a technology perspective. The results are compiled from 358 respondents, all of whom are involved in the process of purchasing or selling technology within the hospitality industry. The results of the study will be compared to future years’ responses in an effort to identify shifts and trends in purchase behavior.

Breaking Tech Trends

  • How & When Do Hoteliers Shop For Technology?
  • What Factors Influence Technology Purchasing Decisions?
  • How Are Hotels Shifting Budgets to Prioritize New Technology?
  • Today’s Top 3 Technology Challenges…
  • What Tech Will Change The Hotel Space In The Next 2 Years?
  • Are Vendors & Hoteliers Aligned On Challenges and Priorities?

Insights Preview

Where Do They Start Their Research: Where People Begin?

43.7% of people planning leisure travel trips tend to start their research with an internet search provider such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Get the full report and all our 2019 Leisure Travel Trends Study stats today!

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